Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
So, So SWEET!!! Love the way that riff carries the song along like a gentle train ride!! Floyd, your vocals just get better and better!! This is the first time I heard the bridge........a great one!! You write damn good bridges........oh yeah, and verses and chorus too!!! Beautiful song in every way!!!! Take care. Greg


Thanks, buddy. Appreciate all of that (and the early ears).

Originally Posted By: Chris Dent
Excellent song and a great performance. One of your best IMO.

Even though I am a guitar player I still occasionally use Ample guitars and basses. I think they have a free bass as well - worth checking out. I have occasionally used BB midi files to play Ample sounds - especially their upright bass (unfortunately not a freebee).

Chris - thanks for dropping in for a listen. I really enjoy using the Ample guitar to add a different element to a production. I have the (free) bass, too, and have used it a few times for some basic bass lines. I thought about trying them with some BIAB midi styles, but haven't gotten around to that (there's just SO much to explore in BIAB!)