Originally Posted By: eddie1261
Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
I used the Mesa in the house band and generally the master out was set to about 4.5 max, and that was sufficient.

A sound man likes nothing more than players who understand how to use a master volume control. When I see a player who only knows how to slide everything to 11 in one sweeping motion... That is a rookie and he will get a lesson from me on the first gig.

Well Eddie I agree with you for the most part. The drummer gets loud and the bass turns up. Then the guitar turns up and the first thing you know no one on stage can hear anything.

This is not the sixties and we are not playing with Albert Collins. Gary Moore is dead. Steve Morse hands are so messed up he does not play as aggressively as he use to. Even the Montreux Jazz festival is not a loud as it use to be.

The idea that you can get the same tone and guitar reaction with a master volume control that you can get with a Fender Super Reverb turned up is pure nonsense.

The only place that happens now days is at a outdoor concert, and mainly in Mexico that I have been to or play at. There are some big biker rallies in Mexico where people play old school stuff like Steppenwolf at high volume levels. At least they did three or four years ago...I have not been there in a while but the drummer I play with was there last year and said nothing has changed.

We play in a outdoor place in the keys where there is normally three hundred plus people. Some songs get pretty loud from the guitar amp but we also know how to control the volume and we do no have a sound man. We use thirty watt amps at that gig and they are turned up.

Volume control is a skill just like anything else. In years pass when I had a sound man we worked together to get what the band wanted to hear. We never had a moment's worth of issue. But I can tell you for sure the first time he would have gotten in my face would have been the last day he worked for me. Same thing goes for the other musicians who worked for Lewis and I.


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

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