Alan, I can relate to your example of the TV hosts going on welfare. It did affect my outlook and personal self-worth while I collected unemployment.
However it had the extreme effect of making me want to change it.
That is a point of character. There ARE a certain amount of people who are are complacent (not so much content) and will ride a free handout for the duration. This is also blatant not only in welfare, but also in disablility. We have all seen the guys who are collecting disability from a company where they can no longer perform their job function they had previously performed, but ARE capable of performing work. However the free money has turned into an entitlement.

Also, there is a disporportionate amount of wealth going to the upper levels of most large corporations. I DO think they intend to make workers dependant in certain instances (see WalMart).

Also remember, while a doctor's job is to save your life, which is an important job, the guy that is doing your brake job also has your life in his hands.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome