Thank you all for listening and commenting. I'm glad you liked it.

Dave S, Perky is a good description of my friend. I'm glad the song captured that too.

J&B, Sorry you lost a friend to C-19 too. I hope this song helps you through the loss as it has for me.

David, Always good to hear from you. Thanks for the complements. I wanted this to be my best work since I knew her family would be listening.

VideoTrack, Actually, the writing was tougher than than the recording and production which went very smoothly for a change.

Derochette, Thanks for the nice comment about the vocals. I try to feel each word of the lyrics in an attempt to communicate the emotion.

Captain Moto, You are right about the best songs coming from deep emotions. You can always tell when the artist is faking it or just going through the motions.

Take care.