Perhaps we shouldn't complain if we are using Air Conditioning. It's a little like the proverbial pot calling the kettle black.

Today, cooling of buildings accounts for about 20% of the total electricity use worldwide (IEA, 2018).

That is a major cause of global warming. And this energy usages doesn't account for the heat the AC units blast out of their units warming the Earth even more.

So, by cooling our homes, we heat the environment, which causes us to cool our homes more, which heats the environment more, which causes us to cool our homes even more --- obviously a feedback loop.

I grew up in South Florida without AC and still live without it. I turn the unit on once a year for a few hours to keep it from freezing up, and that's it. A repairman told me running it lubricates the parts and that I need to run it once a year.

I do what we did before home AC to cool my home.
  • Painted the roof bright white. This not only keeps the house cooler but a multi-university study concluded that if we all painted our roofs white, and had no other change in our energy usage, we would buy 100 years before the point of no return (greenhouse effect) in the atmosphere
  • Planted shade trees around my house. Not over my house but all around it to get a convection current going to send a breeze through my house
  • Installed drop down awnings to shade the windows when the sun is directly overhead
When it's in the upper 90s (Fahrenheit) outdoors, my home is in the comfortable low 80s without air conditioning.

99% of all the humans that ever lived on Earth, did so without AC. We don't need it. It's a major factor in climate change. We need to wean ourselves from the habit.

IMO if we use our AC, we cannot criticize anyone else who wastes energy.

Insights, incites and a minor rant by Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks