Originally Posted By: ROG
I like this a lot. It's the sort of music I listen to if I'm doing a long car journey at night.

Thanks! smile

It's got a good groove and it's nicely put together, but if I was being really picky I might think it was almost over-produced.

Being picky is good!

I think "clinical" is a good word. I tend to over-produce my music in the first place. If I hear a stray "click" or "buzz", I'll hunt it down and remove it. One of the first things I do with vocals (human or otherwise) is remove all the breaths.

So there's no doubt a bit of sterility to that approach.

And as you say, adding a synthetic vocal on top of that only exacerbates the problem.

Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed the song and I have a great respect for the work you do with vocaloid.

Thanks again, I appreciate the feedback!

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?