First of all, be sure to report this directly to PGMusic. Send an email message to

For Digihound:


XP SP3 on a 2793 mHz Pentium D processor system with 8Mb of RAM

I hope you actually have more than the 8MB of RAM you reported, as that's not going to even let you run Windows. And I hope it's not a typo for 8GB, since Windows XP 32-bit can only address a little over 3GB total RAM, anyway.

For Jacques:


All windows applications under 64bit windows <should> go under c:\Program Files(x86) to tell the OS that the application is 32bit....could that be related?

Well, my copy is currently installed to C:\Apps\PGMusic\BIAB on Windows 7 64-bit (where I have installed it probably since version 8.0 running on Windows 95) and is running with none of these problems (on two different machines). I also run my RealDrums/RealTracks from the D: drive, and that works fine as well.

The only things I can think of are related to many of the other postings:

Is the drive getting enough power (are you using the cable with two USB connectors for the computer side that came with the drive)?

Is that USB port perhaps set to go to sleep after a certain amount of time?

Others have had some rights issue with external USB's; make sure you have full rights to read, write, and create in the BB folder on the drive.

Perhaps a rogue DirectX (DX) effect has been installed on your computer?

Did you happen to install the VSC DXi softsynch (affects Vista and Win7 mainly, but some have reported problems on XP - it shouldn't even install in 64-bit)?

Have you tried to reset factory defaults and reselect your audio sources and preferences?

Have you tried it without ASIO (using only MME) to troubleshoot if that's where the problem lies?

Have you tried installing it to your local hard drive to run it there (even if only temporarily - you can always delete that and revert back to the external USB later)?

Otherwise, I would again report it to PGMusic at the address above.


Laptop-HP Omen I7 Win11Pro 32GB 2x2TB, 1x4TB SSD
Desktop-ASUS-I7 Win10Pro 32GB 2x1.5TB, 2x2TB, 1x4TB SATA

BB2024/UMC404HD/Casios/Cakewalk/Reaper/Studio One/MixBus/Notion/Finale/Dorico/Noteworthy/NI/Halion/IK