Originally Posted By: BabuMusic
Breezy to be sure. Also quite relaxing and entertaining. Again you sound quite comfortable out of your comfort range, chulaivet. Ken really took the progression and played some cool guitars. At first I thought the cymbals sounded like ocean waves. Was that intentional or just where this dreamy music took me? Either way, a fun ride. Perfect for a hammock and a red Stripe.

Howdy Marty....
Yes....they are not cymbals.
The beginning and end is a seashore/beach waves .wav file.
I suppose I could have made them a but louder. smile
Agreed, Ken's guitar work enhances that 'Steely Dan at the beach' vibe.

I thank you for checking it out and the kind comments.
Have a great weekend.

(hmmmm....where's my coffee)