Dear Mr. Delsono...

Your latest post is unique and affecting, a musical letter in told in rhyme.

The Real Style you chose -- _PASSING.STY (Passing Slow Dramatic Indie Pop) -- is something I've never heard before. The Real Tracks in the style are the perfect accompaniment for your the lyrics -- warm in tone, such as the golden vibes, and the quietly intertwined play of the acoustic and electric guitars. The fluid, resonant bassline along with the laid-back, almost ceremonial beat of the drums provides a nice dramatic contrast. However, I don't see a description of the saxophone Real Track you used.

As I consider the songs you've shared with us, I believe you're carving out a distinctly personal niche and sound/feel for yourself in the forum -- spoken word poetry backed by music -- that summons memories of 'the beat generation'. You're becoming a finely articulate narrator of what's going on in your heart of hearts, and you do it with a gentleness of spoken expression and an intensity of meaning that makes it memorable.

Here's to your developing musical personality as it manifests itself in the User's Forum!

Last edited by bluage; 06/18/21 08:05 PM.

"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".