I’d have to call this a folk song – a throwback to the depression era except for electronic instruments – bass and pedal steel.

This song started life back in the early sixties when I recall hearing trains sounding their whistles at night as they bore down on crossings, and I discovered Woody Guthrie and folk music – in particular a song recorded by the Kingston Trio called Hobo’s Lullaby written by Goebel Reeves. Inspired by the new instrument I was playing (guitar) back then and thoughts of trains and hobos, I wrote my own “ride the rails” song and then last year revisited the lyrics and did this arrangement.

As always your thoughts on the song and production are appreciated.
Any balance adjustments needed? Production suggestions?

http://web.ncf.ca/ifraser/Trainlines.html - lyrics and mp3 embedded here should play after a second or two.
http://web.ncf.ca/ifraser/Trainlines_Aud_chvox.mp3 - for download if embedding doesn’t work.

Thanks for visiting. Ian

My "Original Tunes" Site
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