It's running good natively on Linux in wine after first trying in VirtualBox, it's near as quick as on Windows.
The 2 issues are still unresolved,
1. Windows Media Player to play demos (this has been a nightmare trying to get it integrated)
2. CoyoteDXi needed to render in the BBPlugin

I don't know if the Coyote uses the gm.dls but if I load windows\system32\drivers\gm.dls into VstSynthFont it works.

They are the 2 issues that need resolving for Linux users.
The wmp can be fixed by adding an internal Delphi player into bbw/bbw4 like

The Coyote issue preventing bbw4 to render can be fixed by getting bbw4 to use a soundfont without the DXi.

Copying the wmpXXXX.dll's from windows\system32 to wine windows\system32 and registering them gives the wmp demo buttons in the picker windows, it don't play but it prevents errors when opening the picker windows.

The sync playback is in-sync with the track in the DAW.

If anyone has a solution for these issues please post.

Full Screen

Got the current version Plugin running now, in Reaper it's using LinVst .