I got as far as Keith Urban, which I guessed, hit the next, had no idea, and figured the quiz wasn't made for me. I know what people sound like, but don't often know what they look like.

I didn't care for the "Tone" question. To me, tone has two meanings, either (1) the quality of the sound or (2) sometimes used as the note itself.

I didn't like your choice on how full the sound is, because you can have a thin tone.

I didn't like steady periodic sound because short notes can have tone too.

The relationship of the note and a key can establish tone in another broad way, as in the piece had a somber tone.

Perhaps there are too many definitions of tone, or perhaps I'm just being too picky.

I don't mean to be hyper-critical, but you asked for my opinion. I hope my input helps.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks