Thanks for the tips. I need to look into Macrium.

I haven't had any problems with Acronis, Mrs. Notes did once, and a re-install fixed it.

The yearly update nags are a bit of a PITA and when moving a license to a new computer is a bit tricky but not all that bad.

My toaster drives are not connected to the computer unless I'm actively backing up or cloning. That's why I bought the toasters. I take them out when not in use.

I also keep archived clones for many months, just in case I get a tragic error or malware that sleeps for a while before activating.

And I don't keep all the clones on the same drive.

My biggest backup disk is 2TB, so it doesn't take but a couple of hours to clone. I'm thinking about looking into a newer toaster that will take advantage of the newer USB speeds. But I found there are times when I can set aside a couple of hours for a clone.

At night I do an incremental backup that usually takes fewer than 10 minutes.

I also save data with Microsoft's SyncToy. It's quick and will back up any changes I've made on the important folders I have designated to echo.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks