Actually Eddie, a competent electronics person would be able to provide you with what you need if it exist.

He would need Make, model, a serial number. He then may be able to find a schematic and perhaps a parts list.

I would likely find the item from CE Distribution, DigiKey or Mouser electronics. Perhaps on ebay also. Ebay may sell the whole unit as parts which is where really hard to find items often come from. (the Cheap answer)

Two or three places in Europe collect hard to find items and sell for large amounts of money. So do a few other electronics places but they would be unlikely to take your call if they don't know you. (expensive)

Then their are electronic/ mechanical engineer types who have the equipment to make a new one. I can make you a knob in any material with gold or silver or any type of plating to include amorphous diamond carbon using a high vacuum gas plasma reactor. ( only if you are Elon's brother with plenty of $$$)

Home Depot?....good luck on that

Now...lets get back to your issue. If you don't need everything to match and only function, try ebay first. They sell assortments of knobs. The sell push pull pots. I most likely have everything you need but I have to have the defective parts in my hand and Make, model and serial number of the unit. Some internal photos would help.


EDIT: The tool to measure with...$20 at Harbor Freight

Last edited by Planobilly; 07/25/21 03:11 PM.

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Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo