I am seriously trying to keep my comments shorter, but you three don't make that easy! No joke. It's a struggle. That being said...

Overall-everything is working in my opinion. The sound you get with the mixing and mastering, well I'm jealous. It's SO clean, yet balanced and not at all too bright. I've heard of this destination but have never been there on my own.

The singing was delivered as though it lyrically and melodically was written by the same person. I'm thinking the two of you being a close couple has a lot to do with that. I will admit, I heard Janice sing and I always think "who is the world does she sound like?" I go through stylistically, and tonally fantastically accomplished singers in my vocal memories. So, that is saying a lot, considering who I'm attempting to think she sounds like. Then it came to me. She sounds like Janice! I'm simply comparing her to the great singer she is. Love that voice girl!

Guitar-the "other vocal" in my opinion. That you can make all of those parts so well shows you know what needs to go where. You must being hearing A LOT in your head before you lay the track. That's gotta be cool! I get this weird feeling you have the talent to take all those parts out, only to come up with different parts that work equally as well. Really nice job!

I'll touch lightly on the lyrics as not to start an argument. YOU CAN WRITE LYRICS! I don't care that it maybe takes everything within you to do them; sometimes that what music is. You may have to try like hell to solve the Rubic's cube; but you do it! Unless I've read an article that specifically mentions how tedious it was for someone to write lyrics, or any part for that matter, I would never know. The end result is all we listeners know of.

BIAB-Perfectly chosen and manipulated to create that band sound I expect from you 3+ wink

Mixing-basically addressed. I don't know much to say as I would come across as ignorant as I am on the subject. Is it enough just to say it "sounds" GREAT?

Cover art-again, so cool. I never know if it's a great composite or great editing of what was an actual picture. Either way, it makes ya look! Well done.

The last little thing I want to say in my, once again, short reply is somewhat weird. I love emotion in songs. I probably say that too much. This song has a unique quality to me. It's not straight up "sad." It also never goes to "happy" either. To me it feels like what a break up can feel like. Mostly sad with the occasional breath. The feeling just below hope, when it's still fresh. Thanks for taking me there. It's nice to step into that as a reminder to be grateful.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.