Hi Matt,

I could of not remembered well the exact words you used. Old timers disease.

Intonation in the string instrument world is and always been a serious issue. Really well made guitars solve a bit of the issue but not all. There are some special ways to make the nut at the top of the guitar with different strings starting closer to the bridge. This is not something really new and has been done by skilled luthiers on mandolins a lot in the past.

The latest iteration is something called Buzz Feiten tuning system. It also has been around for a good while and is the best solution I have used. Everything else being equal it can keep the intonation within a few cents over the fret board. For it to work correctly requires CNC production of the guitar and close attention to detail and process of wood selection. The way you tune the guitar is non standard and the way the intonation is set is not standard.

I was just wondering if something in the Horn world was used other than embouchure control.

Playing live on stage a musician may not be as aware of these issues as much as in the studio. You only screw up once on stage, the recording last a lifetime...lol

Distractions caused by intonation issues take away from ones ability to perform well or at least for me they do. It is one of the many reasons professional guitar players have a guitar tech working with them at important venues. Some of the techs play as well or better than the performing artist. ZZ Tops guitar tech has replaced Dusty after he passed away.

With guitars the G string is normally tuned in the open position. So is the A string but press the A string at the fifth fret which is a G note and it is very often out of tune with a standard electric guitar.

I assume Horn builders have difficult issues in controlling the exact needed shape of the Horn.

The whole subject of intonation is quite interesting to me and actually pretty complex.


EDIT: Sorry brain dead. I ment the D string not A. G is on the tenth fret of the A string.

Last edited by Planobilly; 08/03/21 11:06 AM.

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Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo