
In Pat's post I prefer using 'edit-cut' as opposed to the delete key for a couple reasons. One is the ability to undo further down the line, and the other is the ability to enable the 'smooth audio cuts' box if needed.

Thanks Bob. Good advice. I always do it that way too, but the description was getting kind of long, and I was groping for ways to "keep it simple"

There are problems associated with using CUT too, and I didn't want to lead him into any frustrating situations this early in the learning curve. In some situations, CUT closes the gap, and for a new user who may not understand what happened, that would be a real kicker.

I have also had CUT throw me a curve by removing the whole section of song, chords and all. I Didn't want to set him up for that either. Delete is a one-keypress solution that always seems to work without introducing the other problems. FWIW, I just deleted a section then tried to undo the deletion. Undo worked, even after deleting. So, the main difference then is in the smoothing. If he fades in and out, that accomplishes approximately the same thing.

Bottom line, Critter, you have more options with CUT. When you CUT a passage there is a dialog box that opens giving you control of a lot of things that you just can't control with DELETE. It's a good idea to follow RHARV and SILVERTONES advice and get in the habit of using CUT from the beginning.