Originally Posted By: Mark Hayes
Is the concern that the story would depict racist characters doing racist things, and that this can get an author quoted out of context and accused of racism? Hopefully that kind of bad faith is not as widely practiced here as in other cultural eddies like young adult fiction.

Hi Mark.

To some extent yes. Many things that would be considered racist today would not even be considered anything at all in 1950. Of course it was racist but no one white or black payed much attention to it.

I would be more authentic if I could use the vernacular of the 1950's but of course that is not possible in todays politically correct conditions. I am able to write blues from the forties and fifties in a very authentic way because the itinerant musicians of that time were compelled to use words that had double meaning and innuendo. Example, "I gave my baby the 99's) which refers to cocaine. You could get killed as a black musician for singing and using the wrong words back in those days.

I am still running this through my mind trying to make a decision if I have the skill set to write this without coming off as racist myself.


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo