Welcome to the forums, rdegucht! What build are you using? We had just tested in the 2021 build 511 by moving a RealTrack to a Utility track, then click/dragging the Utility to the AIFF section of the drop station. This method of rendering the individual track had worked.

You can download and install build 511 from here: https://www.pgmusic.com/support_macintoshupdates.htm#2021_511

After installing, please open your Style Picker and click the rebuild button.

Alternatively you can render all of your tracks individual, at the same time by clicking the .WAV save button, select Render Tracks to Audio in the menu, and make sure the One file Per Track checkbox is checked.

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
Export_Mid_Wav_render.png (13.54 KB, 44 downloads)
