The browser suggestions are based on song characteristics like time signature, tempo and feel. Styles get ranked by the number of characteristics the song and style share. So the highest rated styles should share several characteristics with the song.

Another consideration is the demo song for a style may not give you a good idea how the style will work in your song. The demo songs are designed to showcase capability, not remind you of a certain song.

One "trick" that you may find useful is to create a short chord sheet of four, eight or sixteen bars that reflect an important section of the song. Then when you select the "4 bar preview" option in the "Play Using Current Chord Sheet for Song" you get a much better idea how a style works with the song. Just remember the 4 bar preview is always bars 1 to 4; you can't select which bars to audition. When the 4 bar preview is selected the style you used to create the chord sheet is not replaced while if the option is not checked the style is loaded into the chord sheet for the audition.

Jim Fogle - 2024 BiaB (1111) RB (5) Ultra+ PAK
DAWs: Cakewalk by BandLab (CbB) - Standalone: Zoom MRS-8
Laptop: i3 Win 10, 8GB ram 500GB HDD
Desktop: i7 Win 11, 12GB ram 256GB SSD, 4 TB HDD
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