
So here is the thing, there are TWO types of necessary feedback.

1.) For ALL people regardless of skill level, they need a place like the showcase to post their FINISHED works and just have kind, supportive, encouraging souls to say "Hey, loved your new tune. Keep it up!!" We ALL need that kind of encouragement. ALL of us.

2.) In some cases, I honestly am confused, about say, my chorus, am not happy with it, and wonder if anyone else sees any problems I am overlooking. That, to me, is whole different kind of forum and thread. But again, just me. People can say "but that is what the showcase forum is for..." but to me, it might be what THIS one is for. I am still thinking.

I was on another forum for about a week (NOT BIAB) and it was strange.

There were people in a certain clique and no matter what they posted, no matter how good or bad, it was always like this: "Utter perfection. God must have written this. Ready for the radio. Should be #1 in the nation. Not a note out of place. St. Peter would cry. A Grammy winner if there ever was one. The most stupendous work of sheer utter brilliance ever heard on this forum. Again."

For others, not in the clique, their stuff could get ripped to shreds.

But, if you were ever to have said to someone in the clique:

"I dunno, kind of sounded like the Carpenters. Or Captain and Tennille. Chipmunk Love. Did you do that on a cassette tape by any chance?"

You would have gotten:

"AaaaaaGGHHHH!!!!! Boo hoo hoo! You hater! Child of Satan! How dare you!!!!"

I quickly left that forum because I saw the light early.

So, I like it here, and love the people and the feedback, so I guess I will just keep thinking.

I don't have any answers either, but I do have a lot of friends here and am making more friendships day by day.