simple truth. I believe anyone born after 1990 is not looking for a "decades old multi track recording techniques."
They will be more inclined to use "modern and automated techniques" The last time I used a hardware multitrack was about 20 years ago. (and that was quite a sophisticated machine for that time). It was fun while lasted, but thankfully I do not have to come back to those days. The time consumption of learning specific gear "tricks" and "workarounds" + hardware limits is responsible in part for creative stagnation that lasted years for me. I should have adopted faster to new technology.

You keep on saying "I can"... That is great, but that is not what I can, and certainly not what is being requested in this post. It is a particular wish. A wish is different from "finding a way". Nothing is wrong with finding ways. But again, I do not believe a "workaround" is what was requested.

Yes, I want to simply highlight bars and either freeze them or regenerate that selection of all tracks (or selection of tracks, but that is another topic). Not Mixing, Not Cutting, Not going into deep menus, No Audio editors, No bouncing.
...And unfreeze them as needed. Is it possible now - No it is not. Is it acute problem? Nope. Do I want it to see it happened as requested - sure. Do I want a multi tier "workaround" - no thank you.

P.S. I can clearly see what pipeline is proposing. Makes total sense. (+1 pipeline). I am just not enough tech. advanced to know if it is something doable in BIAB given code and backward compatibility. I guess, there could be a block written, that will translate track segment positions and use that data instead of mixing every time...non destructive way as in DAWs.