You don't get it, I'm trying to drop subtle hints to click your memory without posting the information that will expose what's going on here.
I had to go back and find the info that was brought to my memory about what Matt was saying, even though it was deleted because it was very exposing, I still do have a copy, and to my surprise (well not surprised at all now I see) there was Charlie there also, so it all comes out.
I think Matt may now know what the story is but Charlie hasn't clicked as you can see above he's still in hit mode.
Here I was trying to help Charlie with gifs to get to the issue but there was just an ulterior motive going on (stupid me I was nearly fooled).
No wonder, no wonder, no wonder it was still stuck in the 90's when I came here , the inner workings have been reveled to me, who says there's no old guard, deep state !
I don't want to have to post the posts here that will expose what's going on, I would rather you just drop this hit job.