Originally Posted By: eddie1261
Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
happy wife happy life.

I am not familiar with either of those things being happy...

I thought I did, but I've been divorced for 7 years now, so perhaps I am not familiar with this either.

Originally Posted By: Tangmo
Originally Posted By: sslechta
...M$FT has been pushing their app stores hard in recent years and we'll probably see a stronger push on that with Win11.

Is that what this Windows 10 S-mode is about? I've got one picked out and ready to pick up when we can get out.

Yeah, S-Mode only allows apps to run if they came from the Microsoft Store. It's considered a "Security" feature, however it can be disabled. Depending on the machine you bought though, disabling it might cost money...

Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
why the hey cant apple bring out products at this budget under 200 buck level.
i reckon apple are missing a huge market...not haveing a budget product like the chromebook.
i cant believe this cbook is so lightweight...

That's what their iPads are for - granted, not 200 bucks, but $329 is what I'd consider "budget" for Apple - less if you buy a refurb. They're less limited than Chromebooks I think, or perhaps more limited with no keyboard depending how you look at things.

Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
btw , so far my new evo audient usb audio interface has given me no hassles. i still like the mic pre's for my vocs, and would suggest anyone in the market for a budget interface, rent one , and try/assess for yourself.

I'm considering one for my own mobile rig, but concerned with durability as I see this more as a desk unit. Think it'd survive multiple drops and being tossed around in a backpack for a few years?

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