Originally Posted By: dcuny
Nice song!

I think the range is fine, but personally, I like melody to be a bit less "loosey-gooesy" and land on the beats. This is the sort of thing where I'd go into the DAW and fiddle with the timing of some of the syllables that are on primary beats, but leave everything else in place.

I enjoyed listening. smile

Thanks, David.
You know, I've never thought about whether strong melody notes fall on the beat or not. It seems obvious to me that that would be a good thing, and perhaps something I do intuitively at times.

I seem to be much more aware of that when playing guitar. (And my songs tend to start on the guitar.) I'll take more note of this going forward. Thank you for the suggestion! It should help me achieve better results.

"If I knew where the good songs came from, I'd go there more often." Leonard Cohen