Originally Posted By: beatmaster
Torrey This was a breath of fresh air to me !, well produced and mixed , vocals deliver the song to its best !!,

I likened this to a brit band called Squeeze , now thats a compliment !!.

squeeze ..https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=squeeze+labeled+with+love&&view=detail&mid=2CC0FF0CF149813F28D42CC0FF0CF149813F28D4&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dsqueeze%2520labeled%2520with%2520love%26qs%3Dn%26form%3DQBVR%26sp%3D-1%26ghc%3D1%26pq%3Dsqueeze%2520labeled%2520with%2520love%26sc%3D8-25%26sk%3D%26cvid%3D075A08F722FA4D5EBE6567AC3DCACE6E


Thanks beatmaster for taking time to listen and comment! I've never heard of the band you mentioned, but I will have to check them out. T