ok..the schlager styles ..to quote monty python are different, but certain RTs/parts might impart a modern
aspect to bway.
eg synth 2406 in _SCHLGR3 ie...back in a mix.
seems to syncopate with the chord sheet nicely.
after the RT styles i'll work my way thru all the midi styles.
yes i knowc lots of songwriters will question why i laboriously audition every single bb style with the
bb chord arrangement....but my way i miss nothing.

btw looks like key of D will be my chosen key to do bway.
after various voc tests.
cos i can do various neat voc harmonies/scats with the key.
hopefully this thread will help people new to bb ,
showing my alt way/method of doing a song in bb.

Last edited by justanoldmuso; 10/01/21 03:26 AM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)