My dad told the hospice people how mean and hateful I was. (He was a work of art my whole life.) The hospice rep told him to stop that we were all here to help him.

The last thing he said to to was "what happened to us?" I told him "life happened."

I found out later that he was that way with my brothers. The worse was my oldest brother - he went though his whole life couch surfing. He was on the street. I got him the help he needed after a carbon monoxide accident. Just homeless - not abusing any drugs or booze. When I got him on disability because of the brain injury from the CO, he received $500.00 a month. My brother had no idea what to do with that kind of money. I told him "you need winter boots?" He said "I can buy them?" I said "sure if you want." That broke my heart.

I do check on my brother to be sure he is doing ok with his money. He is doing fine.

Sometimes parents really don't know how to parent. This does not make things right - it just is.
