So you have the concept understood as a whole & you know what you gotta do. Let's use a simple arpeggiated chord for an example.
You make a C-F-G backing track, simple folk or blues. Rather than trying to eat the apple in one bite, strum aling with C and F. When you get to the G part, arpeggiate it -- four, eight, or whatever beats. The next time around, shift position. Instead of rooting the G chord on the e string, root it on the fifth fret d string. So it goes. See what I am doing? Once the G chord, really a three note scale, has been mastered, same thing with the C or F.

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Biab for WIN 2020 -- Win 10 64bit -- Reaper/Audacity
Zoom R-16 -- Tascam DP-03-SD -- SoundTap -- Crescendo --