Originally Posted By: sslechta
3) Only had CPU Compatibility issue left in RED. My laptop CPU has not been supported since Windows 10 was released and it works fine for me. My CPU: Intel Core i7-3740QM CPU @ 2.70GHz. Tom's says a lot of Core i7s have been left off compatibility list for some reason even though they work fine.
Originally Posted By: Kevin Woolley
Just be careful! There are rumours that Microsoft will not allow updates to a Windows 11 installation that has bypassed its requirements. I think they say you will still get defender updates, but not feature updates and bug fixes.

This says to me that Microsoft might be implementing code that requires certain CPU features, as older CPU's may be unable to do a number of tasks even if they currently "work fine".

By CPU features, I mean things like newer SIMD extensions, AVX, TSX, and possibly virtualization extensions - basically some of the things that make a 2021 2ghz processor faster than a 2001 2ghz processor. If Microsoft chooses to remove some seemingly "fine" CPU's from their compatibility list, it's probably for a good reason.

Either way, I agree that some degree of caution should be taken with regards to unsupported computers and/or components.

I work here