Originally Posted By: TheMaartian

Isn't the Everglades the lightning capital of the U.S.?


One of the two different day jobs I had while investigating what it was to be normal (neither one lasted all that long) was working for the telephone company, back when all telephones were attached to wires.

In the engineering department there was a map of lighting strikes across North America. The 'lightning capital' was an oval shape from Tampa Bay to Palm Beach with the oval wider on the Tampa side. The most lightning strikes per year in North America. There were concentric ovals around that. It puts the Everglades (and where I live) in the #2 spot.

On an outdoor gig I frequently monitor the radar on my phone and I bring a huge tarp. Monitoring the radar lets me know if I need to get the tarp out and ready.

Whenever I leave the house or when I go to bed at night, every piece of electronics gear gets unplugged.

One day back in the 1980s Mrs. Notes and I went out for lunch. I forgot to unplug. One of those storms popped up out of nowhere while we were eating, and an Akai S900 hardware sampler plus a laser printer got fried. That was an expensive lunch, and I haven't forgotten to unplug since. In fact, I have a light connected to remind me that the gear is plugged in.

Thanks again for the suggestions, I'm investigating, making a list of pros and cons (the best I can), and I'm going to leave the final decision to my dear wife. After all, she is going to be the one to use it.

Notes ♫

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks