<< Had a part over a couple of bars that was good, so I did a freeze of the whole track. >>
My understanding is you are only freezing a single track in order to retain and use a couple of bars located on that track.

<< Then I tried to have it resting for the other bars in the chord settings dialogue, as you normally can with unfrozen tracks. >>
"have it resting" I assume "it resting" means all of the other tracks except the one frozen track.

<< It did not work, it happily ran the whole thing ...>>

"it" I presume means the frozen track did not work (ie: respond to the rest you applied)?

What do you mean when you state, "it happily ran the whole thing ..."?

<<I realize that it would need another handling in the software, so likely a programming issue or never even thought of. >>
What do you mean by this statement?

<< The next thing would then be to copy the frozen track onto a utility track and delete what is not needed.>>
Maybe, maybe not. There are multiple ways to address deleting what is not needed. Muting bars on a Legacy RealTrack may work. The track may can be edited on the Audio Track and that edited audio returned back to the original track as a Performance Track. There are more options beyond these few I've listed.

<< Among the prerequisites: the tempo for the Real tracks has been changed. >>
Are you stating freezing the track caused the tempo to change? Are did something in the process cause the tempo to change when you copied the frozen track to a Utility Track? Did the tempo change occur unexpectedly when you applied changes in the chord settings dialogue? Or, did you intentionally change the tempo for the RealTracks as a "prerequisite"

<< So, Audio edit ..., a total mess with copy and paste, timing and bars are way off. >>
There could be several different causes for this. Regardless the cause, it's normally an easy and fast correction.

<< Anybody with similar experience or even a solution? >>
I've personally not experienced all of these issues but I feel sure there's a 'BIAB' solution to avoid having to spend time opening, exporting, re-importing and syncing just to delete some unwanted audio on a track. I'll be glad to help you do this in BIAB once I understand better.

I agree with you that it's more desirable and efficient to work in a single environment and it's not necessary to resort to a DAW for editing and "saving a couple of good bars" of a track. BIAB has a very robust Audio Editor that in every instance it is more beneficial to use BIAB's Audio Editor over any DAW. Using the BIAB Audio Editor or copy/paste between Legacy RealTracks and Utility Tracks preserves all of BIAB's features, techniques and tools that work with proprietary BIAB generated tracks and Styles whether they're Midi, Supermidi or RealTracks. No DAW, not even RealBand or the BIAB VST DAW Plug-in can do everything the BIAB main program can.

I was reluctant to ask so many questions but I think you're wanting to do what should be, and normally is, a simple task that is achievable comfortably and solely within the BIAB program. I'll be happy to help. I'm just not understanding the process you did when manipulating and saving the "good bars" that got out of whack on you.

Last edited by Charlie Fogle; 11/21/21 06:20 AM.

BIAB Ultra Pak+ 2024:RB 2024, Latest builds: Dell Optiplex 7040 Desktop; Windows-10-64 bit, Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz CPU and 16 GB Ram Memory.