I back up data every day using Microsoft's SyncToy app.

I have two external drives that I put in a 'toaster'. The toaster drive is never on until it's time to back up.

I do a full image on one at least once a week.

I do a full image on the second one once a month, so I can keep an archive of many months. This should protect me from a piece of malware that doesn't launch itself immediately.

Plus, all important data gets backed up off-site.

Files I need for gigging are on two gig computers (I only need one) and a flash drive - just in case.

Computers can be replaced, data can not.

Insights and incites by Notes ♫

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks