There are some of us who can't be here as often as we'd like to for one valid reason or another. I have a significantly handicapped and chronically ill spouse who needs constant attention - literally. So when I do get here, I reply to folks who have commented on one of my submissions over the past several days - usually in one or two strings of replies. There is no other way I can do it. Anyone who comments, over the past several days in my unavoidable absence, on one of my songs will get a personal reply. It's just a courteous thing to do.

Several hours earlier, I replied to about a dozen folks who had commented on my most recent song. This might be the only instance, for a while, that I can do so due to my needed time away from the boards. And I do look up songs as deep as page three for my favorite contributors and "bump" their songs with a comment/review.

There are so many fabulously talented folks in the Users Showcase. I want to let them know how much I appreciate the hard work they put into creating such a fabulous piece of entertainment. And I do, when the contributor asks, offer my thoughts on the production, writing, tracks, etc.

Thanks to everyone who creates these great songs and shares their talented productions. I enjoy them immensely - regardless what page they're on or how often they recycle to the front page.

It's 3:00am. I have to go give my wife an injection, and a few pills. This goes on (the pills) every four hours every day. The injections are just once a day, except Sundays - she gets three injections then.

Merry Christmas to everyone and here's wishing all of you success with your musical endeavors.


PS: I'm glad PG Music went back to the old way as a default but gave some options for other folks to view the forum as they please.

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