Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle
I'm not understanding your DAW process from your comment. The idea of using BIAB to create a RealTrack medley mix is to complete the "thickened" arrangement so the user doesn't have to manually do it to each individual component in a DAW, regardless whether it's instruments or vocals. I consider a BIAB RT Medley as the equivalent of creating sub-group output from a Mixer or a sub-group in a DAW. A BIAB RT Medley can also be thought of as the output of a Fx track bus or any bus.

I wouldn't use a "ThickTrack" for BIAB-to-Logic export for the same reason I wouldn't export the combined mix, exporting individual tracks instead. If possible, I prefer to avoid the loss of flexibility that comes from such "marriages". No besmirchal intended of the feature for those who use it differently.