At times in the past when I have asked a young teenager if they have listened to Hotel California, they say "I don't know the song". I am thinking, jeez, you been living under a rock?

Well...I guess it is now my turn to be the one who does not know about some song "all" the young people know about. Well, at least my "rock" has you know who "LP" is? Am I the only one who does not know? My "rock" does have

Evidently "LP" aka Laura Pergolizzi has written songs for Joe Walsh ( you remember that guy right? played on that obscure song Hotel California), Cher, Celine Dion, Rihanna, and the Backstreet Boys just to name a few.

Here is a link to one of my new "kids" requests for a song I am supposed to learn to play.

Because these new young girls I am running around with are in some cases very very cute I have had to explain to my wife that these are children I failed to mention from a previous

Lack of knowledge of new music may not be my only


Last edited by Planobilly; 12/11/21 07:09 AM.

New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo