I've encountered the Chord-Exchange Tool and the Reharmonization Tool today, and I appreciate the general existence of those tools - but I'm quite on the beginner side, and therefore I neither understand the tools themselves good enough nor could I judge what would work musically (nor could I play any complex harmony - plus: complex harmony makes it unnecessarily difficult for me to even read a chord sheet). Therefore I'd wish that BiaB would offer a feature as follows:

  • Status before using the feature: The user already has his melody in BiaB - wherever that comes from (e.g. the melody of a stye demo song).
  • Now the user can click on a button - wherever that button is integrated, but for sure preferably in a menu or dialogue box where he'll easily find it ;-)
  • Result: The user gets an automatically generated chordsheet that fits to his melody but is as simple as possible (if possible for that melody: no sus-Chords, no 7th-Chords, 1 Chord per bar, and the like).

This would make BiaB much more beginner-friendly.

And if then the beginner wants to make his song more interesting, he can then still try out more sophisticated tools (like the above mentioned Chord-Exchange Tool and the Reharmonization Tool) in order to enrich his song bottom-up.

BiaB Pro 2022; Windows 10
Bass: Intermediate; Piano: Beginner
I came to this forum in order to suggest feature improvements for non-professional musicians like myself that use BiaB mainly as a playalong tool and as a learning tool