Originally Posted By: saxgentleman67
There was plenty of bad music back then too. And there is some great music today too.

The thing is, all the garbage from decades past is forgiven and forgotten. When we speak of, say, the 1930s, we are talking about what has stood the test of time and come down to us today. When I say "I like 1930s music", my sample is totally skewed: unless I'm a serious musicologist, I'm talking about the very best 1930s music, and it's very easy to ignore the rest.

When we speak of "today's music", though, we're talking about all of it, because there it all is, whatever is going on right now, unfiltered by the judgement of history, all the crap still roiling in the pot.

No wonder people always talk about the good old days. But on behalf of the present, I say not fair. The past has had so much more time to prepare.

Last edited by Mark Hayes; 12/20/21 10:00 AM.