Thanks so very much to Dr. Gannon and his staff - to include the highly talented musicians who give PG Music the sound to work with. And then Dr. Gannon experts turn those sounds into the incomparable tools we, as users, are privileged to use to our hearts' content.

Band In A Box is so much more than a fabulous assembly of software. For many, it's a path from their bedroom or garage to the rest of the listening world. It's a vehicle that transports the cacophony of dozens of tunes stuck in our heads to to the instruments we play and then onto the audience. It dares us to use its various mechanisms to create something better than it's available collection of parts.

I'm delighted and honored to be a member of this list of wonderful creators of good music.

I would like to quickly comment on Greg Johnson's note of thanks. He mentioned my instrumentals often inspire him to ad lyric and vocal to them. even if my creations are reasonably good ... he turns them into magic and develops the real potential. Thanks, Greg ! I always say, and I mean it ... you are a song's best friend. And I'm happy to call you a good friend.

And Band In A Box introduced me to two of my very dearest friends - Stefan and Maha Nachstein - extremely talented folks from Germany.

Congrats to all. Didn't see a single person on the lisdt who doesn't deserve the honor. Best to everyone. Keep writing and picking.

Alan (al David)

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