Originally Posted By: David Snyder

If you had said Ozone 5 I could respect you.

That thing is a beast!!

They could have just stopped there if you ask me.

Many producers swear by Ozone 5 to this day.


I like Ozone 9 adv because I can use any of the modules separately from the package and IMHO and based on comparisons I feel the later versions of the modules are superior. I particularly like the Dynamics module that is essentially a multi-band compressor. And of late I've discovered the benefits of the Dynamic EQ module that is, for me, a great benefit in helping creating the "open airy" mixes that we like. FWIW, I find that Ozone 9 is light years beyond earlier versions (and I started with V3 or V4). We have created a large bank of our own user presets that with minor tweaking per song work well for us.

YMMV, grains of salt and many FWIW's
