IK really tried to help me a while back when ST4 kept crashing my Cubase Pro 11 DAW. ST4 worked great in several other DAWs but not Cubase for some reason. They said it was because I had used custom install paths, but that didn't explain why it worked elsewhere. Then we went through and re did the install and used all defaults and it still didn't work. Drove me crazy. Then I got a new computer, upgraded to Total Studio Max 3.5 and everything installed perfectly and worked great all over the place. So I have no idea why it would never work before. I just gave up and never used it in Cubase, since I had other DAWs it was no big deal but it messed with my OCD!

I have plenty of storage space on every drive installed, SSDs etc. so I started using defaults for everything as it made it easier when update and upgrade time comes. No need to try and remember where everything is!!

I really wish I had an a-ha idea for you to fix your problem. Sorry.

My wife asked if I had seen the dog bowl. I told her I didn't even know he could.