I asked about that option, do nothing. Less than 3 months. As it is I get an 85 percent chance of being around 5 years from now. Sorry!

I can understand the costs. The chemo clinic alone part of the building treats 90 to 120 people a day. In that you do chemo 1 day a week that exptrapolates to over 500 people a week. It is the "Regional Cancer Centre" and that has always peed off people from the boonies..." So if you look at Ontario that arm going up near the Soo USA is serviced from our hospital 200 miles away. What they do is give you a dorm room for the week you are having treatment, a free ride, and a shuttle bus to take you to the cancer centre. So they put all the resources in one building. I can call and a driver comes to my house and takes me there, but that's a volunteer, there were 12 of them the other day...sitting waiting for a call having coffee. I'm only a 6 dollar cab ride away, but the rides are free and I'm not sure, I like to support the new Canadians trying to eke out a living in a cab, heck the guy might be a Cancer Doc from Uzbeckiztan...

John Conley
Musica est vita