A point to note, over the years ive developed various methods re song development.
One aspect is i try and pre-empt ‘hairy’ deep edits or moving huge numbers of song bars around later on in a songs development either in bb/rb or reaps by concentrating
on the chord arrange in bb or rb’s chord sheet. I put a lot of effort in getting chord view the way i want. Then i might mix to a stereo wav , and import the wav back into rb for
detailed vocal tests etc etc. still at this stage assessing how well the arrangement of the chords works.

This way in rb for example i rarely have to do lots of editing in rb traks view or audio edit view etc etc, and/or for example having to move 40 bars to a different place.
I would typically do such moves testing out different chord arrangements in chords view originally when i was developing the song concept..ie using chords sheet view.

Typically “then” its just using bars view later on when the final vocs are done might i
do stuff like say…copy a drum fill from bar 24 to bar 56 cos i liked the bar 24 better
Or say i like a violin rt for 4 bars from bar 65 to another 4 bars elsewhere...ie just useing bars view for little song touch ups.

In summary i rarely get into the need for deep hairy edits….and moving huge amounts
Of traks around.

Eddie, one nice thing bout bars view is you can, if you wish sweep/hilite multiple traks...
For moving/copying etc etc/whatever . but maybe you already know such.
Bars view i find very useful compared to using other edit methods in rb. saves a lot of mousing.


Last edited by justanoldmuso; 03/27/22 02:03 AM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)