Math Quiz

This is a real math quiz so get your paper and pencil ready.

BiaB style - RapJazz 2 - Jazzy hip-Hop
Tempo - 90 BPM

Bass - Ample bass - YingYang
Drums - Presonus - Impact XL
Piano = Velvet - 44 MKII chorus
Guitar - Synthmaster One - DR Claptrap VS
Strings - I divided the string track into 2 tracks:
Chords - synthmaster - BT GlowFlies
Single notes - synthmaster - Pad-Add Pad
Me - trying to sing - FX-Waves vocal rider, Presonus Pro EQ, EZMix1, EZMix2

No effects on any of the instrument tracks

PS - See/hear why I do instrumentals!

A Math Quiz

Two friends and I were having lunch
It didn't cost us very much
We divided the bill three ways
So 10 bucks we each paid

For the 4 out of 3 people who have a problem with math that is 10 times 3 equals 30

The waitress took our cash
The bill was really 25 so she came back
She gave us each a buck
And took two for her good luck

For those who took new math that is 3 times 1 is 3 plus 2 is 5, 25 plus 5 equals 30.

So we only paid nine bucks each
And that was a real treat
We were happy that she took the two
But something was askew

For those who have a problem with math play close attention as this gets a little complicated

The 10 we paid minus the 1 means we each paid 9 bucks
9 times 3 equals 27, now that doesn't suck
The waitress took 2 and that was fine
But 27 plus 2 equals 29

So what I want to know is
Where in hell did the other buck go?
Where in hell did the other buck go?
Where in hell did the other buck go?

Inquiring minds want to know!

I just posted a selfie and all of the responses were get well soon!

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware