Hi Deej ...

Well, I've been a big fan of yours since you joined the site. This is a particularly good example of why I say that. Strong lyric!

On the music side, that acoustic on the left, soon joined by the pop rhythm soon after on the right are the perfect primary backing tracks. And the lead guitar is just so good. Hats off for a job perfectly executed. That was a real joy to listen to.


BIAB 2024 Ultra Plus-all StylePaks*Win11*16GB DDR5*Rhyzen 9745x*AT 2035 Mic*Peavey Nashville 112 Amp*Ibanez ART120* Acoustic/Electric/Washburn D200S Acoustic*Stromberg Monterey Jazz Guitar

Loops: https://aldavidmusic.wixsite.com/bestmusicloops