Hi Tony,

Yes. This is not how it used to work. As others have also mentioned, this setting is not working as it used to.

To get an idea of how it used to work...

1) Set the stylepicker options I mentioned way above to "Always".

2) Select a new style for your chordsheet. (Choose one that's a couple of pages down in stylepicker.)

3) Exit to the chordsheet.

4) Now go back into stylepicker.
When I do this, the style is highlighted but I have to scroll down to find it.

5) Instead of scrolling down, go back into stylepicker options and change "Always" to "Sometimes".

Now when I exit options, the highlighted style is visible on the screen and I no longer have to scroll.

This is how stylepicker used to display the highlighted style. That is, it automatically located it and adjusted the view to display it. That does not happen now.

Jerry from PG Music as reported this to the developers so it will be fixed.


Audiophile BIAB 2024