Originally Posted By: David Snyder

I really like the chord progression and the song itself. Great lyrics. This sounds like a worktape to me in terms of mix.
A lot of the stuff is in the same dynamic range and even has the same sound, so it is getting mushed. The backing track sounds muffled, and almost like one track--not a mix.
I would get the bass and drums sounding punchy and solid, then add in new guitars, as you say, that have totally different dynamic ranges to make the song more crisp. Maybe an electric AND an acoustic, or something.
Anyway, you are definitely off to a good start!!

Thanks for the detail David,
I've not done too much as I'm waiting for the collaborators' parts before doing too much more. I spent some time EQ carving to sit the bass & kick though I've not thrown a punchy compressor on them alone or as a rhythm bus. I know the cello, at least, will render some of that EQing a waste of time.
As the existing guitar parts are Amp In A Box DI jobs they were too crisp & fizzy so did a very blunt edged chop on them. The sound of my Marshall should offer some dynamics when I get to it. Acoustic, hmmm, interesting.
Again ta for the detail.

"What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe