Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle
<< In any event, he didn't show how to re-group/re-position the instruments in the Mixer Window which I don't think is possible at this point in the development of BiaB. >>

Hopefully the wish will be seen by the developers and added to the Mixer. But for informational purposes, any BIAB Mixer track can be moved to any other BIAB Mixer track using the Edit\Copy/Move command. There are restrictions and limitations making it far from ideal, but it's possible to re-group/re-position instruments in the Mixer Window.

However, the method Mr. Henry Clarke demonstrated is the most elementary method of adding multiple RealTracks onto a single BIAB Mixer Track. For years, BIAB has had a fairly obscure but versatile tool, an 11 track sub-mixer, for each of the original 7 BIAB Mixer Channels called Legacy Channels, (Bass, Piano, Drums, Guitar, Strings, Melody and Soloist.) This is a very powerful arrangement tool that's only limited by someone's arranging imagination. It has a lot of settings that perform similar to tweakable pre-sets.
Tracks can:
. Play instruments in sequence
. Play all instruments simultaneously
. Alternate instruments by selected number of Bars, Part Markers, Choruses or whole song
. Can duplicate a RealTrack using the Duplicate Button any number of selectable times from 0-10. PG Music recommends using this feature to thicken vocals or instruments. For instance, a four part vocal duplicated 10 times becomes a 40 piece choir.
. To take advantage of the Duplicating, Each sub-mixer track has panning and volume leveling
. Any RealTrack can be used in any sub-mixer slot. As noted above, a RealTrack can be used multiple times on a track
. Each of the original Legacy Tracks RealTrack Medley Maker sub-mixers operate independently from the others

This tool obviously eliminates the seven instrument limit myth so even if a user hasn't upgraded to a version with Utility tracks, it's easy to compose a song containing dozens of instruments in a single arrangement, first generation render in minutes using nothing but BIAB.

To find the RealTrack Medley Maker, it can only be opened on a track that is loaded with a RealTrack. Open the RealTracks Picker, select a track that has a RealTrack, and click the Medley Button for the RealTrack Medley Maker...

Thanks Charlie for clarifying. I know we discussed this on the phone. You're right I always choose the simplest method because that caters to the widest audience. Not of lot of users that I see want to go this deep. However, having said that one primary question I do have is "At the end of the day how many tracks do I send to my DAW?". If I can still only send "7" instrument tracks I'm not sure how all of this makes that much of a difference to me. Did I miss something?