James, Marty, Janne, Brad, RnAm, rayc, Torrey, firesong, fj, Mario, Hans, Scott, J&B, David and Greg:

Thanks much for stopping in. After a few heartbreak ballads it was fun to turn it up a notch . . . and Carroll always seems to bring out the rocker in me. Glad you all seemed to like what you heard. A few thoughts on some of the comments:

Re the bass: I didn’t strike me until after I posted it, hearing it on the car speakers, that, yes, the bass was a bit more boomy than perhaps intended (though sounded better over the studio speakers—go figure). I may still dial them back, but for now will keep as is. I do think it helps drive the song—appreciate the feedback.

Re the guitar solo: I’ll confess I had to warm up to it a bit, but it captures the sound I was looking for. A southern rock type vibe with a bit of flavor. The reality is I auditioned pretty much every guitar solo for this tune and nothing delivered. I get the comment, but am happy enough with what it does.

Re the drums: Floyd . . . totally agree they could be a bit more wet. I’ve made an adjustment in the mix, and hopefully that gets it to a better place.

Thanks all for the listens. Stay safe and well.


Last edited by Deej56; 07/14/22 05:06 PM.