Thank you all for all your encouraging and constructive comments. For those of you who suggested I should try and follow a solid structure ie: Verse Chorus Verse Bridge etc. Normally I would have followed such format. As I was developing the song, It felt more like going into a free form structure as the words were coming through. Guess If I wanted to spend a little more time, I would Have made it the necessary changes. But, as I was progressing very quickly with the progression. I was liking it more and more as it was. It felt so different to the norm, enough to make it kind of "unique"
I guess it was not meant to follow those strict rules.
As to using "Vocaloids" for my songs!... I don't have easy access to proper singers who would do me the honours of singing for me. So my thinking is that.... If there is a singer out here who finds my compositions interesting enough to have a crack at singing it. then please let me know if they would be willing to DM me for a possible collaboration!.....
As for "ME" doing the singing!.................Err!... Maybe not... I definitely do not have a singing voice!.....So I will pass on that idea.

Thank you all.